Dean Odle EU - The Mountain of God in the North, Paradise and Christmas - Part 2 - YT Compliant

Dean Odle EU - The Mountain of God in the North, Paradise and Christmas - Part 2 - YT Compliant Dean Odle EU - The Mountain of God in the North, Paradise and Christmas - Part 2 - YT Compliant
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The Mountain of God in the North, Paradise & Christmas (Part 2)
by Pastor Dean Odle

YouTube Compliant Version

Streamed live December 11th, 2022

Pastor Dean Odle continues teaching about the north pole, paradise and the mountain of God. Great explorers have proven the Biblical account of creation to be true only to be written off to push the globe agenda. Pastor Dean reads the account of Admiral Byrd and explains his recent revelation about the 144,000.

"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2

Some parts have been "Beeped out" and subtitles have been added. I hope everything will still make sense :)