Ra Meditation - Egypcian music - Mysterious Atmospheric Ambient - Egypt Meditation

Ra Meditation | Egypcian music | Mysterious Atmospheric Ambient - Egypt Meditation Ra Meditation | Egypcian music | Mysterious Atmospheric Ambient - Egypt Meditation
Flavia Photo

10 months 1 Views
Certainly, Ra is one of the most important deities in ancient Egyptian mythology.

Ra, also known as Re, is the god of the sun, often regarded as the "King of the Gods". He is typically depicted as a man with the head of a falcon, crowned with a solar disc, a symbol of the sun. He was considered a creator god, thought to have created the world and all the other gods.

In ancient Egyptian culture, the sun was seen as a life-giving force, and therefore Ra was a central figure in Egyptian mythology. His significance and worship were so profound that many other gods were often merged with him, including Atum (as Atum-Ra) and Amun (as Amun-Ra), to signify their supreme status.

Ra was also associated with the journey of the sun across the sky during the day and its journey through the underworld at night. This was viewed as a daily journey of renewal, symbolizing death and rebirth.

Remember, the ancient Egyptians had a complex and rich pantheon with many gods and goddesses, and Ra was just one of these many deities, although a particularly important one.

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